Concrete Curing Projects
A pioneer in the curing space we helped developed Australia’s first water-based concrete curing compound, we maintain strict AS3799 approval to Australian standards and compliance with main roads TMR specifications.

Sealers and Surface Hardeners
Protect your project and investment with our range of concrete finishing products. Sealers, densifiers, polishing grouts which penetrate concrete surfaces providing an increase in abrasion resistance and a reduction in the surface absorption of liquids.

Release Agents and Admixtures
Selecting the right release agent for the job plays a very important role in creating a clean release every time.
Specially formulated and proven solutions from basic concrete form work to pre-cast concrete products or tilt-up panel release agents.

Preparation and Concrete Care
Whether you are finishing off a major project or preparing for a final sealer, taking the time to ensure the job is done right will make a world of difference to the final result.
Specialty acids, strippers, curing removers, HD concrete cleaners, along with solutions for efflorescence, various staining and more.